Owner and Manager of Escola Guga Unidade Ballarin

Founder, coordinator and head coach at CFT (Centre for Tennis Players Education) in Sao Paulo
- Athletes professionalization, such as the Brazilian Pedro Sakamoto and the Taiwanese Pei Ju Chien, as well as educating more than 20 tennis players and guiding them into American universities

Hired coach at Horacio de la Peña Tennis Academy, in Santiago, Chile
- Worked in collaboration with Martín Rodrigues, educating Chilean and Argentinian tennis players and introducing them to the professional circuit

Thomaz Bellucci’s personal coach (climbed from #1040 to #410 in the ATP rankings)

Thiago Alves’ and Thomaz Bellucci’s personal coach
- Coached Thiago Alves in Grand Slams, ATP events and Challengers around the globe (Alves started that season as #460 at the ATP rankings, and finished #125)

Coach responsible for athletes: Julio Silva, Rogerio Silva, Eric Gomes, Thiago Alves and Thomaz Bellucci

Training partner and advisor for the former Australian professional player Michael Staniak, at Melbourne Park

Teacher responsible for some athletes during state tournaments; social classes and responsible for introducing children to tennis, along with Delta Villaescusa

Full-time internship with Delta Villaescusa, in competition training, social classes and children introduction to tennis

Playing Career

Trained in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a junior player
- Coached by Cezar Kist and Delta Villaescusa
- Competed in state and national tournaments representing Clube Esperia

GPTCA B-Level International Coach


Bachelor’s Degree and Licentiate Degree in Physical Education from Universidade Paulista

Skills and Extra Activities:

- Jornada Internacional de Capacitação (International Capacity Building Day) - Brazilian Tennis Federation (CBT)
- Speaker at the XXI Semana de Educação Física - Métodos e especificidades do tênis (21st Physical Education Week - Tennis methods and particularities) - Universidade Sao Judas
- Speaker at the I Encontro para Treinadores e Comissoes Tecnicas (1st Coaches and Technical Committees Conference) - ABRAPESP/HASP

Giovanne Ballarin

Email: giviba@icloud.com / gmballarin@gmail.com
Phone: +55 11 964884733